Can you help us?

2019-10 - Gift Day Poster - CuFor 2019 we are having a Gift Day. Gifts given on the day will go to our Building Fund (first for the redecoration of the church). To help with the Gift Day, we have produced a small flyer which is available in Church. Please do have a look at one of these and share it with anyone you think would be interested. The Gift Day flyer is intended to give the information that people, from beyond our immediate church family, might find helpful in deciding to make a gift. You can also read more about the Gift Day in the Gift Day section of our website.

Annual Review of Giving

You will shortly be receiving an email, inviting us all to review our giving. At Holy Trinity, we have long encouraged an Annual Review of Giving for each household. This year, the focal day will be our Gift Day. While gifts for the Gift Day are for the redecoration of the church, the Annual Review of Giving is about all our giving to God. As part of your Annual Review of Giving, please review how much you give, on a regular basis, to our church, Holy Trinity. 

Alpha Update

Thank you for your prayers for our Alpha Course, we've gotten off to a great start with around 12 people on the course at 1 Trinity Close. Please continue to pray for us as we move towards the Holy Spirit Day Away on the 9 November. 

Yours in Christ

Tim Phillips

Vicar of Holy Trinity & Team Vicar in the Flagstaff Family of Churches